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The opening of the pyramid of antiquity in Egypt for the first time (video and pictures)




The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced the opening of the pyramid of antiquity in Al-Lahoun district of Fayoum governorate, southwest of Cairo, for the first time after the discovery of the pyramid about two centuries ago.

Fayoum – .. The history of the pyramid of lions is dated to the 12th century Pharaonic (about 3,800 years ago), and was built by King Senusert II. The pyramid contains a coffin of red granite belonging to the king who ruled Egypt for only 9 years, along with the offering room where he discovered many royal jewels.

"This pyramid belongs to King Senusert II, the fourth king of the Twelfth Dynasty, the nineteenth century BC," said Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Khaled al-Anani in a speech at the opening ceremony on Friday. "This pyramid was discovered in the 19th century by the world Flinders Petrie, the first to enter the pyramid and found the sacrificial table, and since then the pyramid is closed.

"In 2018, the Ministry of Antiquities decided to open the pyramid of lions to be a tourist attraction in the region," he said. "The rubble was removed, the ladder was placed and the Bishop was completed. Today we were able to enter the burial chamber of King Senusert II."

Anani pointed out that the archaeological mission in the region found a large collection of archaeological finds.

The pyramid of Lahoun differs from the rest of the Pyramids of antiquity in two things. First, it is the only pyramid whose entrance is located in the south, not the north like the other pyramids, and the second is built entirely of mud bricks.

                    .. Salma Khattab

Pyramid of antiquity

In this context, the Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mustafa Waziri explains that "it is known that the entrances of the pyramids all in the old state from the north to believe in the ancient Egyptian that the spirit of the deceased when he came back through the Arctic, the entrances from the north so that the soul The dead know their direction. "

"We believe that we are now in front of the largest brick building, where the height of the original pyramid is 48 meters, and the length of the base of the base 106 meters," he said. "The architect of this pyramid is Engineer Anbi and built on a high hill of rock 12 meters high, With limestone walls and then built using mud bricks in the middle. "

                    .. Salma Khattab

Pyramid of antiquity

"The entrance of the pyramid from the south is somewhat irregular, we found it for the first time in the central state," he said.

"After the discovery of the pyramid in 1889 by Flinders Petrie, this pyramid entered only one in 1936 when the Egyptian archaeologist Ahmed Fakhri entered it. Since then, the work has been suspended until the Egyptian mission of the Supreme Council Of the effects in 2018 by digging and raising the rust, "explaining that" since the work began in August 2018 has been lifted 16 cubic meters of rubble from inside the pyramid. "

                    .. Salma Khattab

Pyramid of antiquity

In the interior of the pyramid is the coffin of King Senusert II is a coffin of pink stone polished well without cover, but the mummy of the King no one knows where to now, according to the Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, who explained that the opening of the pyramid today is a partial opening because the work did not end in the region distance.

The second was the fourth Pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty, ruled from 1882 to 1872 BC, succeeding his father Amenmhat II, and is known as the founder of the agricultural renaissance in Fayoum, where he devoted special attention to it and established a system of irrigation for exploitation and flood waters for as long as possible, He also built his pyramid and tomb.

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