By Playfuls Team The shooting at a mosque in Norway on Sunday will be investigated as a possible terrorist act, police said on Sunday.
"We are investigating this as an attempt to carry out a terrorist act," assistant police chief Ron Schoold told a news conference.
The shooting occurred on Saturday, inside the light mosque on the outskirts of the Norwegian capital Oslo, and the suspect was arrested by police.
Norwegian police said that one person injured was not yet known how serious it was. One suspect was arrested, "she said, adding that police had deployed at the scene.
Police described the gunman as a "white-skinned young man," noting that he had no further information on his identity and said there was no indication that more people were involved in the shooting.
For his part, the imam of the mosque, Irfan Mushtaq, told the local newspaper Podstica that "a white man wearing a helmet and wearing uniforms shot a member of our community."
The incident was reported at 4.42 pm local time, on the eve of Eid al-Adha.